Sunday, January 26, 2020
Mpact Of Facebook On Consumer Buying Marketing Essay
Mpact Of Facebook On Consumer Buying Marketing Essay There has been a noticeable change in the technological developments and innovation in the last few years. Undoubtedly, technology plays an important part in our lives. Most of people depend on the internet in most of their daily lives such as sending emails, searching for information; communicate with their family and friends, reading the latest news and so on. That development in technology reaches different sectors like business organizations, academic sectors, and governmental fields. In time where technology plays a great role in peoples lives, marketers are doing their best to take any chance that could bring consumers to their products and services. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, researchers predicted that the internet would alter the relationship between consumers and marketing organization (Lord, 2000; Hamel and Sampler,1998). Ward and his colleagues in 1998 predicted that in the first quarter of the twenty first century, the main channel for shopping for most consumers would be the interactive technologies (Ward et al, 1998). De Kare-Silver (2000) discusses the same idea that this technology will go with consumers need to visit shops, as it will make it easy for people to buy their needs any time without going to the actual place for these products. Many business companies that provide services or physical goods believe that using the electronic resources in their marketing is vital to their success. Porter (2001) recom mends that if companies want to remain competitors, they have to rely on technology. Using technology in marketing allows brands and companies to interact with its customers in individual basis as it provides immediate and quick interact without time limitation (Allan and Chudry, 2000). One type of technology that people and marketers depend on is social networking sites. In these social sites, people usually communicate with each other and during these conversations, they send direct messages to each other without noticing that. The number of people who use these sites are increasing day by day. In the United States around 55.6 million people have used these social sited daily in 2009 (Ostrow, 2009). Globally, Facebook, one of the main social sites, accounts for 750.000.000 registrations, Twitter has 200.000.000 followers (Qualman, 2011). In business sector, these social sites play an important role in consumers purchasing behavior. In these sites, people usually share opinion and purplish information about their view on brands they buy and services they use (Jones, 2010). Consumers use to recommend a brand or marketing organization to friends and followers. In some case, fans of a specific brands establish a page in these social sites where they write their opinion about this brand, upload and download photos of the product that the brand sell. Investigating the relation between these social sites and consumer purchasing behavior is a new trend that encourages researcher to search about. That relation affects both sides, marketers and consumers. For marketers, it helps to create a strong relationship with customers, developing a new idea for new product, and answering common daily questions from consumers (Dà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
¸Silva et al, 2011). Moreover, in investigating the effect of these sites on consumers purchasing behavior, some studies have been made to find out the relation between these sides. Most of these studies improve that there is a positive relation between social sites and consumer purchasing behavior that the majority of people believe in this statements and support that by some cases where they rely on these social sites in some stages in their purchasing process such as searching for information and evaluating their choices (Constantinides and Fountain, 2008). Social media usage is growing rapidly amongst marketing professionals and organisations and fast becoming a new outlet that can potentially be used to help increase customers interest in a product or service. As it becomes widespread it brings about involving customers and facilitating exchange of information bringing about shift in consumer behaviour. Through social media, information, enticing advertisement are made available to consumers easily watch and read and at the same time allowing consumers to post their own opinions and sharing it with friends. For many brands, social media appears as a way to reach new customers and to reflect their feelings and this explains the reason for which many companies are currently working on developing Social Strategies to outline the degree of interactivity that they want to have with their customers that will help consumers to make a buying decision. Successful firms use consumer attitudes and behaviors to segment markets and design marketing strategies. Today, however, consumer trust in corporations is declining while the influence of online communities on buyer behavior is growing. Social media platforms have completely changed the nature of the interaction between brands and their customers, directly impacting upon the contemporary consumer decision process. Laurens (2010) argued that while social media is not the silver bullet that some pundits claim it to be, it is an extremely important and relatively low cost touch point that has a direct impact on sales and positive word of mouth and supporting this argument Glynn and David (2009) said that Companies not actively engaging the social media are missing a huge opportunity of saying something to consumers intentionally or unintentionally about how willing they are to engage on consumers terms. Therefore, its necessary for retailers to understand how social media is affecting current consumers and how they are going to react. During the economic downturn, more and more companies have reduced their communication budget but they have increased expenses for social media by 30%. It is now a priority for big companies but they need also to change their global marketing strategy. It is also important to reach the right customer at the beginning of a social media strategy because opinion leaders, such as bloggers, are the ultimate key to a brands success (The Conversation Group 2012). As the marketing power of social media grows, it no longer makes sense to treat it as an experiment. According to Tamba (2012) Social media has a big impact on how people shop. A quarter of all purchases of FMCGs are influenced by exposure to one form of social media or another and this proportion is growing. Shoppers are weaving their interaction with social and mobile marketing into their everyday lives: As a result, big brands are increasing their social media investment. Social media can influence both impulse purchases and reg ular shopping habits when it comes to FMCGs. The trick is to understand where, when and how customers want to interact with your brand, and with your products. Social marketing for regular purchases is about strengthening and deepening the customers connection with the brand. Impulse buys are also increasingly mediated by social media especially now that so many consumers can access Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest from their mobile phones. 1.1 Statement of Problem. Most often than never, companies do not benefit from social media in a way they should have benefited from it due to their lack of strategic efforts to managing it and measure it success. Through media hypes that emphasis the ease of achieving success with social media, many companies have the believe that what they need to do to achieve success with Facebook is by just launching Facebook page and such companies get disappointed when they see no activities occurring on the page and thus they abandon the page. Common mistakes companies make is devoting a little time for social media and measuring it success on whether audience is conversing or not about their brands on their social media. Nevertheless, companies make mistakes by believing they are in total control of conversations about their companies, brands products or services on social media and they spend heavily on PR to hype their newest hires and new products whereas they forget that social media platform is all about speakin g with people but not at people and more of a community of audience that discuss about companies, their products, services or brands in a way they feel they benefit them or do not (Evans 2010). 1.2 Purpose of Study This research is carried out with the aim of appraising the impact of Facebook on Consumer buying Behaviour in the UK Grocery Market with Tesco Plc as a case study. This is to determine the effect of social media (Facebook) on the consumer buying behaviour of groceries in the UK. 1.3. Research Question What are the impacts of Facebook on consumer buying behaviour in the UK Grocery Market? 1.4 Research Objectives Following from the above highlighted aim, the following objectives have been set to achieve the above aim and followed by the research questions. To identify Facebook usage patterns among UK consumers in grocery market. Evaluate how Facebook effectively changes consumers attitude towards groceries. Investigating and evaluating the role of Facebook website as influencers on Tesco customers in UK at stages of buying decision-making process. Identify if Facebook is the social medium that has the greatest impact on consumer buying pattern of Tesco in UK. Recommendation on how Tesco should use Facebook to encourage consumers to buy their products. 1.5 The Significance of the Research This research work was undertaken to take a critical look at the impacts of a social media called Facebook on consumer buying behaviour in the UK grocery market where Tesco was used as a case study. This research therefore became imperative to undertake as a result of a noticeably new development in the UK market that aroused the interest on the issue surrounding Facebook impact on consumer buying behaviour in the UK and a well known popular FMCG trading company in UK was chosen as a case study to identify these effects of Facebook on consumer buying pattern in the UK Grocery market. Furthermore, the impact of Facebook on consumer buying pattern in grocery markets has not been looked into by researchers thus leaving a gap to identify whether social media (Facebook) really has a significant impact on consumer buying patterns in the grocery market apart form other commodities. Nevertheless, this research has also been undergone due to the keen interest the researcher has, following up to date on the social media impacts on marketing activities in this 20th century and it ability to completely erode the traditional system of marketing communication. 1.6. Scope and Limitations of the study. In investigating the impact of Facebook on consumer buying pattern in UK grocery markets, this study was only limited to Facebook which is not the only social media that consumers use to purchase groceries. The research is not applicable to other social media platforms. Furthermore, the case study adopted was only limited to one of the FMCG companies in UK and thus do not provide a sufficient information about the impact of Facebook on the consumer buying pattern in UK grocery markets 1.7 Overview The overall structure of this research consist of 5 chapters, each dwelling on a specific aspect of the topic under review This first chapter comprises of the introduction, research problem, purpose of the study, research question and objectives of the study. The rational and overview of the proposal have also been covered in this part. The literature review covers the chapter 2 of this research. This part reviews critically the impacts of social media on the buying pattern of consumers in the UK grocery markets from scholarly perspective. Conceptual framework also featured in this part of the research. Chapter 3 focuses on the methodology used in the entire research processes. The research method adopted both quantitative using closed questionnaire and qualitative method using case study approach will be adopted to collect data (Mixed method). The fourth chapter dealt with the analysis and findings of the research while then fifth chapter focused on summary of conclusion and the implications of this research. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW. 2.0 Introduction The Literature review in chapter 2 will provide discussions from published information and an account of what has been published on the topic of this study. It explains body of text that aims to review the critical points of current knowledge including substantive findings as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to Impact of Facebook on Consumer buying Behaviour in the UK Grocery Market. In this chapter, various textbooks, articles, journals, blogs, dailies and websites were consulted to obtain related information, thoughts and quotes of various writers, authors and scholars. 2.1. Consumer Buying Behaviour In marketing, deep understanding of the behaviour of marketing is a very important tool for business success. Consumer buying behaviour is all about the determination of how consumers make decisions on the product or service they want to buy and the factors that are responsible for this decision. According to studies conducted in UK, 56% out of 11,000 new products that are launched by 77 companies in the UK are present after 5 years of new product launch. Also, studies revealed that only 8% of new products concept from 112 leading companies reached that market where 83% where unable to meet marketing objectives. Consumer buying behaviour tends to study these reasons why companies need to have a deep understanding of why consumers make the purchase they do and the factors that influence their decision to purchase (Hitesh, 2010). Because consumers are the drivers of marketing, the need to formulate well suitable marketing plans that that will critically examine consumer behavioural att ributes and needs, lifestyles and purchase process in order to make a nearly perfect marketing mix decisions. Studying what consumers buy, the reason they buy, the way they buy, time they buy, the location and frequency at which they buy are key things to understand when undertaken the study of consumer behaviour (Hitesh, 2010). Wayne et al., 2008, defined consumer buying behaviour is the reflection of the totality of consumers decisions regarding acquisition, consumption, and disposition of products and services, activities, people, ideas and experiences. Also, Dibb and simkin (2001) defined the buying behaviour of consumers as an act and decision making process of people that are involved purchasing and using products or services for personal or household consumptions. Theoretical approaches have been used by researchers to have an in-depth understanding of consumer behaviour and these approaches have been inherent in 3 psychological orientations; Reinforcement theory, Cognitive theory and Freuds psycho-analytical theory (Fill,2006), with the most popular and current approach to consumer behaviour out of the 3 approaches been the cognitive theory (Berkman and Gilson, 1986), where cognitive theory states that people use and process information they derived from internal and external sources to identify pro blems and make decisions. The major elements outlined by the cognitive theory for problem solving among consumers in their buying behaviour have been perception, learning, attitudes, and personality (Fill, 2006). Consumer behaviour goes beyond the method by which consumers purchase tangible products like groceries, clothing and automobiles but rather, consumer buying behaviour also involve consumers use of services, experiences, activities, and ideas such as going to see a General Practitioner (GP), signing up for a gym class, donating to charity, voting for politicians, seeing movies featured by certain actors etc. Consumer behaviour was also expressed as activities people get involved in when collecting, utilising and disposing products and services (Blackwell et al.,2001) or environmental factors that are aimed at creating actual behaviour (Jim,2008). Four factors namely; psychological core, process of decision making, consumers culture and consumer behaviour outcomes have been identified to affect the buying behaviour of consumers (Wayne et al., 2008) while Haydon (2009) grouped factors that affect consumer buying behaviour into 3 group namely external influences (firms marketing effort a nd consumers culture), internal processes (psychological processes and decision making) and post decision processes. Choices are been made by consumers daily and buying behaviour is said to be influenced by the characteristics (cultural, social and psychological) and the decision process that buyers make (Khursia, 2012). Furthermore, several research have been undertaken to identify the buying behaviour of consumer through social psychology and personality (Ajzen, 1987), marital status and responsibilities (Goldman and Johansson, 1978), and consumer loyalty (Suen and Wei, 2009). 2.11 Psychology of buyers Psychology of buyers must be determined by manufacturers through identification of buyers need when marketing a product to target group of customers. Buyers most often look for sense of safety and belonging, although other customers want to gain self esteem in the presence of their peers. The perception of a product by buyers must be understood when providing information about the product to buyers as there are possibilities that buyers could interpret information provided by buyers about a product on the basis of their previous beliefs and knowledge, although learning about such product may change behavior of buyers (Jeff 2012). 2.12 Behaviour of consumers Also, buyers could also buy products depending on their personalities and lifestyles. For example individual buyer that seeks to life a healthy lifestyle could go for organic foods while avoiding foods that are sun-tanned. In family situation, buying decisions are often based on what buyers perceived to be best for their family. Deep awareness on who makes decisions for family product must be understood by marketers. Among newly weds with no children, purchasing is the product of decision made by husband and wife, while the stay at home parent makes the decision in a family with young children (Jeff 2012). 2.13 Characteristics of Consumer Social class and culture up to some extent determines types, quality and quantity of products that buyers buy or use. In clothing, social class may determine the type of clothes buyers buy. Culture also greatly impacts on food where deep-fried food may be easier to sell in the south than in California. The buying process begins with a step where consumers recognise a need, or a disparity between what they possess and what they need to buy to change their condition. Also, decision to buy a product can also be based on elements such as packaging, payment methods and the features and of the product (Jeff 2012). Firms Marketing Efforts 1. Product 2. Promotion 3. Price 4. Place The Consumers Culture 1. Religion 2. Ethnicity 3. Reference Groups 4. Social class Psychological Processes 1. Motivation 2. Perception 3. Attitude 4. Knowledge Decision Making 1. Problem recognition 2.Information Search 3. Judgement 4. Decision Post -decision Processes 1. Purchase 2. Post-purchase behaviour Figure 1: Model of Consumer Behaviour 2.2 Social media Social media is a set of applications such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook etc built to operate on Web 2.0 platform which enables the creation and sharing of information created by users that are known as user-generated content (Kaplan and Haenlin, 2010). Social media has been expressed to be the new millennium medium of communication across the world with the most popular of all been Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn. For example, Facebook as at June, 2012 was said to have a monthly active user of 750 million people and 1 billion active users were estimated to be on Facebook by the end of 2012, thus supporting the believe of many analyst that social media marketing will out rightly replace some forms of traditional marketing such as directing mail (Fuel oil news, 2012). Social network, one of the currently used platforms by social media is said to be a very diverse and big complex concept perceive to which its knowledge require a clear identification of its scope and coverage that f orms it boundaries (George, 2008). Tracy (2008) expressed that social media existence is inherent in the context of communities that are built of people where relations are been developed and nurtured through creation, sharing, engaging and commenting in content. Social media are online tools that provide access to users with identical interest to share information that is referred to as user generated account content while also learning from others, or network in an open process (Stepenson, 2011). According to Smith and Zee (2011), Social media has been opined to be an effective way of running business other than just an ordinary marketing tool, requiring both old and new companies to embed new culture of company wide support, systems and incentives where mindset of thinking relationships and not just sales or transaction marketing must be ensured. Social media has been further explained by Smith and Zee (2011) to look beyond short term sales but should enable the culture of sharin g and listening, channelling information into organisational system that alert companies into negative and positive comments, suggestions, complaints and new ideas that are beneficial for new product development, new advertisements, new discussions and promotions. Business managers are often faced with challenges of exploiting opportunities associated with the increasing availability of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn that is been dominated by 50% users alone in UK. Despite the fact that social media has become a very popular networks that is frequently used by consumers, while organisations are still struggling to understand and put it to use effectively (Nielsen 2010). However, despite the believe of many about the opportunities inherent in social media, some are still sceptical about its potentials due to an immense uncertainty about how it can be leveraged for a long term profits and returns as well as the ability to identify the fact that return on investment can be attributed to social media marketing efforts (Weinberg and Berger, 2010), Weinberg and David, 2005). Apart from social media exposing consumers to research and purchase considerations, social media has also provided platform through which consumers can a dvocate for the products and stores they so much valued and love (Jay, 2012). To gather information, consumers are now relying on social media to decide on which products to buy (Kozinets 2002) and the usage of social media by consumers for brand recognition, information about products and the opinion about product or service provider are most often influenced by the cultural background of consumers as consumers widely vary in their expectation of product and service quality (Donthu and Yoo 1998).Through social media, companies are offered the opportunities to understand the needs of their consumers and increase their level of satisfaction through proactive and timely response (Jay, 2012). 2.3 Usage pattern of Social media among consumers. No doubt, social media has gone through a significant transformation over years (Mangold and faulds, 2009). This significant transformation of social media and the extent to which consumers rely on social media to make purchasing decision led to the full awareness of the potentials of social media by marketers. Advent of social media has immensely changed the society, influencing consumers behaviour in terms of scanning for information on different social media to read other consumers view concerning products or services they want to purchase (Todaro, 2007). The traditional media has been greatly replaced by social networks and the awareness on social media opportunities seems unlimited as millions of Coca-cola fans on Facebook are declaring their love for the brand, most frequently viewed on YouTube been roller babies of Danones water brand Evian while thousands of consumers that patronise Starbucks work hand in hand with the brand to generate new ideas for their products. According to Trusvo et al., 2009, 1.54 billion dollars was said to have been used to implement and support social media communications in 2008 and as such, social media growths is getting quite unlimited as investment on social media are estimated to increase to 3 billion dollars in the year 2013 (Kozinets et al., 2010). 70% internet users have been discovered to trust judgements and evaluations of their fellow consumers on the social media platforms thus leaving brand generation and awareness at the mercy of social media users (Nielsen 2009). According to a survey conducted by Fishburn Hedges, more than third of UK consumers that constitute 36% are said to have engaged with companies brands through social media and this increase was driven by a common belief among 40% respondents that improving customer service is as a result social media when compared with just 7% of respondents that believed that social media has a negative impact on customer service. Furthermore, 68% of respondents that have engaged with brands through social media have believed that through social media, their concerns and their wishes have been made known to their products and service provider and more than 65% respondent expressed that social media gives them a better chance to communicate with companies(David, 2012). Fishburn_image_1 Figure 2: Usage pattern of social media among UK consumers (David, 2012). In the same vein, research conducted by YouGov Media, UK (2011) explained that the uptake and usage of social media services as a marketing tool remains favourably high among British public where Facebook is the social media site with a highest percentage of active users. 65% of online population in UK have Facebook with 95% of 16 to 20 years olds and 74% of 21-24 years old are frequently accessing Facebook social media site. The next social media site with the highest number of active users after Facebook is said to be YouTube that has 50% of all UK internet users while Twitter, Windows Live, LinkedIn, Google and Spotify have been surveyed to have 23%, 14%, 13%, 12% and 10% active online users respectively (YouGov,2012). Furthermore, study conducted among by Hiscox (2012) among entrepreneurs in UK found out that 57% of businesses use social media for marketing where 19% of these entrepreneurs use Facebook as their social media platform while 14% use linkedIn. The use of social media to support marketing efforts in UK is inherent in the fact that 53% of UK adults that use social networks follow a particular brands while 4 out of 5 internet users visit other social platforms as we as blogs. Also, in a study conducted by Jon (2011), 77% of UK 48.6 million adult were discovered to have an active Facebook profile, 15.5 million adult were investigated to be using Twitter account, 7.2 million adult use a photo sharing platform while 7.9 million UK adults use LinkedIn. Facebook was discovered to be the most popular UK social networking site with 77% of all UK users having an active Facebook profile where 80% women constitute the population of active Facebook user compared to 72% of men. How Businesses use Social Media Hiscox Insurance Figure 3: Usage pattern of social media among UK entrepreneurs (Hiscox 2012). Social Media Usage in UK infographic low res 2 Figure 4: Social Media usage pattern depending on age and gender (Jon 2011). Examining the study conducted by Dirk (2011) that proposed that the increase in the number of active user of social media was as a result of the advent of smartphones, investigated that social networks are accessed by more than half of UK users through their phones almost everyday, suggesting that overall, 35% of he UK mobile UK mobile phone population use social networks from their phones where over 44% of mobile phone users in UK are estimated to be smartphone users. uk_mobilesocialsept10-11-1 Figure 5: The Frequency of Social Networking site or Blog in UK (Dirk, 2011) 2.4. Changing consumers attitude through Social media Word of mouth has been found to be an effective means through which consumers buy products and services. Take for example an active user of Facebook with 15,000 followers finds a product valuable to him and thus recommends such product to his 15,000 followers on the social media sites and these followers also recommend the product to their followers and thus create a huge awareness for such brand through these social media medium. With the advent of social media, word of mouth and engagements which are effective means by which products are sold have been facilitated by social media. Years ago companys sale representatives only had the not less than 5 interactions a day but in the social media age, companies have increased their individual customer interactions to 100 or more (Joan et al., 2010). Favoured brands may be promoted by consumers through positive comments on social media like Facebook or twitter pages or could be through uploading the video clips about such brand on YouTube . In the same vein, when consumers are not satisfied with a particular product, consumers could use the brands social media to register their feelings of unsatisfaction about the companys product on the brands social media forum. Findings made by Dellarocas et al., 2007 found out that consumers look out for recommendations concerning products and proceed to buy such product via the traditional channel such as offline stores (Heil et al., 2010). Social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube etc are been used by consumers to serve as an evaluation forums where products quality or service reviewed by other consumers that have experience with such products or services are used as a determinant to determine whether such product or service would be purchased or not, and thus social media reduce uncertainty and improve efficiency of consumers online searches in products consumption process (Dwyer, 2007). Through social media, consumers have greatly influenced one another when maki ng purchasing decisions where consumers ask one another for advice on these social media platform, mimicking and observing one anothers decision and relying on these recommendations from others before purchases are made (Hasan 2008). In a study conducted by IBM in Europe, more than half of Social media users in Britain, France, Italy and even Germany often check social networks before they make decision on purchasing or not purchasing a particular good or service. 35% of active Facebook users are discovered to use Facebook page to consult people for advices about products and services. In 40% of the situation, consumers procure such product they do investigation on through the social media. Furthermore, studies have also proved that 56% of Facebook users that have become the follower of a particular brand are likely to recommend to their social network followers such brand they follow (ConversationGroup, 2012). According to MRY (Mr Young), during holiday sales, exchanges among frien ds, family and brands have a significantly direct influence on purchasing decision. Through Faceb
Friday, January 17, 2020
All Quiet on the Western Front by E.M. Remarque
ââ¬Å"This book is to be neither an accusation nor a confessionâ⬠¦ It will try simply to tell of a generation of men who, even though they may have escaped its shells, were destroyed by the warâ⬠states Erich Maria Remarque in the very beginning of his most known novel All Quiet on the Western Front. This book blames the war on damaging young people and states how they will never adapt back to normal life and accuses people who don't even fight in the war of starting it for no reason. The narrator of the story, Paul, talks about his experience with the war turning these sane men into heaps of madness, and how the war was completely unnecessary and does not do the country any good. Paul says while on leave, ââ¬Å"Out there I was indifferent and often hopelessââ¬â I will never be able to be so again. I was a soldier, and now I am nothing but an agony for myself, my mother, for everything that is so comfortless and without endâ⬠.(p. 185) This evidence shows that the war causes the soldiers to feel uncomfortable with the world outside after the war. The war changes the soldiers into people who teach others to kill and don't even know the reason. For example, one night while Paul volunteered for patrol, shelling started so he got into a shell hole to take cover. A Frenchman later jumps into the hole with Paul but Paul has to stab him. While in the hole with the Frenchman's lifeless body Paul talks to him he says, ââ¬Å"Why do they never tell us that you are poor devils like us, that your mothers are just as anxious as ours, and that we have the same fear of death, and the same dying and the same agonyââ¬âForgive me, comrade; how could you be my enemy?â⬠(p.223) this shows that even the soldiers don't like the fact that they fight these people for no reason, that they all have rights as people and they all show fear so why would they fight each other. While on leave Paul speaks to two gentlemen who offer him cigars, while talking to the gentlemen one says, ââ¬Å"but this relates to the whole. And of that, you are not able to judge. You see only your little sector and so cannot have any general survey. You do your duty, you risk your lives, that deserves the highest honorââ¬âevery man.â⬠, this shows that people who don't even fight in the war think that they know more about what goes on than the soldiers who actually fight in the battle. Another way the book shows that the soldiers don't want the war and that it only helps a select few takes place on page 206. One quote on this page reads â⬠every full-grown emperor requires at least one war otherwise he would not be famousâ⬠¦ there are other people back behind there who profit from the war, that's for certain.â⬠this blames the government for needing a war because they believe it would make them go down in history as a great nation and that the war's only purpose consisted of a government wanting too much power. ââ¬Å"I think it is more of a kind of fever no one, in particular, wants it, and then all at once there, it is. We didn't want the war, the others say the same thingââ¬â and yet half the world's in it all the same.â⬠(p.206) this quote comes up when Paul and his comrades talked about the significance of the war and why they fought the war. It states that the people never wanted or needed the war in the first place the government wanted to show that they had power. Remarque accuses the government with this statement because he writes about the people and the soldiers not wanting the war for many reasons such as food, materials, and money, but yet the war still took place. All in all this book accuses the war and the government of the death of these young men and for ruining their lives. The war did not need to take place and many people did not like the war. The war caused young men to get drafted and not have proper training on the battlefield causing more casualties. All of these things make All Quiet on the Western Front what remarque said it wouldn't turn into, an accusation.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Ethics And Ethical Ethics - 1739 Words
Since the turn of the 4th Century BC, the study of ethics and ethical behaviour has occupied human thought, with various philosophers exploring the fundamental issues of practical decision making, determining the nature of normative theories (Aristotelian virtue ethics), and applying these principles to pragmatic moral issues. Approximately 2040 years ago, Aristotle published, what is considered to be the foundations of modern day ethics and ethical frameworks, the ââ¬Å"Nicomachean Ethicsâ⬠. Through this publication, Aristotle analyzes the significance virtues have on a well-lived life, by acknowledging that ideal character traits outline a virtuous person, with these traits being ââ¬Å"derived from natural internal tendencies, needing nurturing;â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Contrary to this, Deontologists who would explore what our moral duty is. They would state that the unborn infant is inevitably permitted to the same rights and moral considerations that any human being is already authorized to. Which means, that it has at first glance the right to life, and violating that right is going to demand a great reason that in shows in this situation the Fetusââ¬â¢ right to life (Metapop, 2013). The third ethical framework of the Catholic Church is Natural Law; which explores the virtue and/or moral character of the person based on reason, along with revelation carrying out an action, rather than at ethical duties and rules, or the consequences of particular actions. Natural Law in Catholicism refers to human nature, and what it means to be a human being, which Catholics believe is conceiving child through love, not science (, 1995). Thomas Aquinas, the creator of Natural Law, calls it ââ¬Å"right reasonâ⬠when one will make judgments which are consistent with oneââ¬â¢s human nature, encouraging human prosperity the natural way- ââ¬Å"to do good, and avoid evil.â⬠(, 1955). These ethical frameworks apply and relate to the topic of abortion, as people are often unclear on whether or not the process of abortion is moral or immorally wrong. For the most part Catholicism believes abortion to be wrong, based on the framework of non-consequentialism/deontology
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Issue Of The Abortion Essay - 1700 Words
Mothers are aborting their children frequently by 2009 there were reported 784,507 abortions between the ages of 15-24 years old. Abortion has been legal in most of the state s, political parties think that it should continue to be the way it is and others think it should of change because it is damaging many people not only them but also the mother. Somehow they should not continue to pass that law . Texans passed a law of abortion and the Texans are over reacting to that law. However, people on the other side conclude that the supreme court should pass a law of not letting it be legal for to have an abortion. There was a young lady that her name was Angela was 23 years old and she is a very beautiful and she loved to go to college so she can be a lawyer and grow up to have a family and have children. Until one day she was walking home in the night around 11 pm and there was a man that was five foot nine and had a beard that was just cut off and he was 39 years old. He was followin g Angela down the sidewalk and 2 blocks before she got to her home that man raped her and almost killed her to death but she made out alive gladly. She went to the police and talked to an officer about her getting raped and wanted that guy in jail paying for what he did to her. She got raped and got pregnant with a baby that was not with the man of her dreams. She did not want to have that baby she wanted to get an abortion and forget about what happen. She wanted to abort as soon as possibleShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Abortion And Abortion Essay1567 Words à |à 7 Pages The issue of abortion is a controversial one; there are arguments on both sides of the debate. In 1973 the national case of Roe v. Wade, sparked political decisions that created a national right to abortion. Further, Roe v. Wade declared that unborn children are not `persons nor are they entitled to the same constitutional protection as `born children (Baird, Rosenbaum, 2001). However, Roe v. Wade did not end the debate, nor, did it stop both sides for continuing the fight for their individualRead MoreAbortion Is A Issue Of Abortion1697 Words à |à 7 PagesAbortion is a very touchy subject in our society. In the U.S. it is legal to abort a fetus up until the twenty fourth week. An abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before birth, which results in the death of an embryo or a fetus. Many people consider abortion as cruel as murder. Although some say abortion is in there own hands and is there own decision, others believe that no one but God has the right to take someone else s li fe. People that support abortion do not consider an unborn fetus a personRead MoreAbortion : The Issue Of Abortion1411 Words à |à 6 Pages ââ¬Å"Abortion is one of the most common medical procedures performed in the United States each yearâ⬠(Abortion Overview and History). It is the termination of a human pregnancy, which is often performed during the first twenty-eight weeks of pregnancy. The topic of abortion seems to be a major issue in todays time. There are many people who are for it and many people who are against it. Religion has a lot to do with the side that people take on this issue. Many people see abortion as committing murderRead MoreThe Issue Of Abortion And Abortion876 Words à |à 4 PagesAbortion is one of the most debatable and controversial issues that exists in our society. An abortion is a medical procedure that terminates a pregnancy before 24 weeks. People who call themselves Pro-Life feel that it is the governmentââ¬â¢s responsibility to preserv e all life, regardless of concerns for the pregnant womanââ¬â¢s health, or for the quality of the life of the child. The Pro-Choice argument feels that a woman should have the choice when it comes to what they wish to do with their own reproductiveRead MoreThe Issue Of Abortion And Abortion1115 Words à |à 5 Pagesjust give you up and kill you? Approximately 125,000 abortions occur per day. 1.1 million U.S. abortions each year. Nearly 1 in 4 (22%) of pregnancies end in abortion. 50% of women now seeking abortion have had at least one previous abortion. The U.S. abortion rate is among the highest of developed countries. 51% of abortions are performed on women less than 25 years of age. Approximately 1/3 of American women have had an abortion by age 45. Abortion disproportionately affects black and Hispanic womenRead MoreAbortion : The Issue Of Abortion Essay777 Words à |à 4 Pagestheir whole future is demolished. In today society, the issue of abortion is very controversial i n the United States. Abortion is the ending of the early pregnancy. Many people said that aborting or killing an unwanted child is should be against the law. Everyone has the right to live, whether itââ¬â¢s a fetus, an embryo or just a newly fertilized egg; Abortion is a murder, and it should be illegal because itââ¬â¢s killing a helpless human being. Abortion is one of usual medical procedures performed in the URead MoreAbortion : The Issue Of Abortion1455 Words à |à 6 Pagesstates could not restrict the right for a woman to have an abortion. Although more than forty years have passed, the controversy surrounding abortion rages on. Many different arguments are used in order to attack or defend abortion. Itââ¬â¢s important to look at each of these from as objective of a lens a possible to keep bias, while unavoidable, to a minimum. Essentially each side of this argument boils their points down to be as follows, abortion should be included in a womanââ¬â¢s constitutional right toRead MoreAbortion And The Issue Of Abortion2577 Words à |à 11 PagesThe history of abortion in the United States is more complex than most people imagine. Abortion and issues surrounding abortion are involved in intense political and public debate in the United States, law varies from state to state with regards to state legislature of abortio n. Until 1973, the control of abortion, was almost entirely in the hands of the government of the state. (Vile. M. J. C, 1999, P203) The focal legal debate surrounding the issue of abortion is whether a foetus has aRead MoreAbortion And The Issue Of Abortion1946 Words à |à 8 Pagesways of looking at the issue of abortion are most easily categorized into five major points, legal precedence, birth control issues, human rights, religion and when life begins. Based on both empirical and moral claims, a wide spectrum of views supporting either more or less legal restriction on abortions has emerged in America. While advocacy groups define the issue through its constitutionality and its moral views represented by their constituents, politicians define the issue by party lines, generallyRead MoreThe Issue Of The Abortion1597 Words à |à 7 PagesDefining the issue There are about 31 abortions per 100 live births in Canada: 330,000 live births and 100,000 abortions each year. Top reasons for getting an abortion are: relationship issues, financial issues, ââ¬Ënot being readyââ¬â¢, emotional issues, birth control failure, and genetic reasons. The abortion rate has increased each year. History of the issue Canada is currently one of few nations where no legal restrictions on aboritons exist today. It has been 143 years since abortion was first criminalized
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